Stallard Meek Flightpath Foundation

SMFF is a not-for profit organisation that facilitates, sponsors and nurtures social projects, events, and discussions to improve the overall quality of various communities within South Australia and the broader Art & Design sectors.

Funded by Stallard Meek Flightpath Architects, the Foundation is committed to making meaningful and practical change in policies and practices impacting our South Australian communities. The Foundation provides an avenue to research, support and promote philanthropic ideas which improve the social and cultural settings through our built environments.

Encouraging collaboration within various art, architecture and design disciplines, these projects and events seek to benefit both the end user and the communities they inhabit.

Foundation projects

NAWIC International Women’s Day 2025 Sponsor


SMFA is proud to be a sponsor of the upcoming NAWIC International Women’s Day 2025 event, reinforcing our commitment to advocating for women in the construction industry. We believe in fostering inclusivity, supporting female professionals, and celebrating their achievements. As a Networking Event Sponsor, we are pleased to support NAWIC’s Post Event Networking Drinks at the Malt Shovel Taphouse on February 28, 2025.

Join us in celebrating this year’s theme, #MarchForward, at an inspiring luncheon featuring MC Rae Johnston, a panel discussion with the 2024 NAWIC SA Award winners, and industry guest speakers. We are honoured to be part of this meaningful event and continue championing diversity in our industry.

Loti Pod


Status: Active

Current Project Stage: Research / Ideation

The Loti Pod is a conceptual architectural response to the social infrastructure surrounding the overall wellbeing of unpaid hospital carers who look after their loved ones in the hospital. Our architectural ideation explores the potential uses and community benefits of the Loti Pod and how it can positively impact the everyday lives of these selfless unpaid hospital carers. Derived from the Greek term “Filotimo”, this project was born out of the need to provide care back to unpaid hospital carers.

The majority of unpaid hospital carers have had to sacrifice their duties, finances and/or hobbies to attend to their loved ones residing in the hospital. This carer might be a parent, a partner, a child, a close friend. They could be young, middle-aged, elderly. They sometimes have other dependents. They could be taking on the role of an unpaid hospital carer anywhere from 2-4 consecutive weeks, to months and sometimes years.

Encouraging local South Australian businesses to volunteer their services, products and/or expertise, at no cost to the unpaid hospital carers, is a step closer to improving the day-to-day well-being of these selfless carers. It’s a space to remind them to also care for themselves and stay on top of typical life administration tasks. This might be with a new haircut or manicure, receiving assistance to complete taxes or access to legal advice, or experiencing a new gourmet menu and wine tasting. It could simply be a time for them to catch up on work emails, have a quick nap, or just watch the game live with a friend.

The design concept of the pod is required to cater to the varying needs of both the user (patient carer) and volunteer (local business). It must be flexible, adaptable, and accessible to ensure comfort, privacy, and functionality for the different types of services being provided. Situated outside the hospital building to ensure close proximity to the patient and remove the need for transport, the pod uses a booking system with an online app that allows the user and volunteer to confirm dates and times for particular services.

SALA Festival 2024


Status: Exhibition Open August 1-31, 2024

Current Project Stage: Enrolled as part of 2024 SALA Venue

SMFF are proud to be registered as a venue for SALA 2024. Promoting, embracing and participating in the broader context of art and design sectors, we encourage fellow SMFA staff to exhibit their personal artistic pieces for the public to experience. These works range from painting, drawing, photography, ceramics and product design.

2024 SMFA Artists :

  • Susan McDougall
  • Natasha Matulessya
  • Marie Glezos
  • Abraham Aquirre Figueroa
  • Caitlin Roy

Adelaide Botanic High School


Status: Active

Current Project Stage: 2024 Curriculum Participation

SMFF has teamed up with Adelaide Botanic High School to tailor their Year 11 and 12 Architectural Specialisation Programme.

Each term, SMFF participates in 1-2 lessons to help guide and inspire the architecture students. Topics of discussion and exploration include various site analysis strategies, architectural typologies, ideation and design principles, graphic communication methods, and participation in studio-style pin-up presentations.

SMFF is proud to see the students’ architectural knowledge, interests, and motivation progress throughout each term.


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